Wednesday, May 26, 2010

In-class assignment, 5/20/10

Our in-class assignment this week focused on shapes and form, while also looking for repetition and remembering our early thoughts on rhythm and lines. Instead of the parking lot, this time we wandered the halls of the Hawk's Prairie campus.

I was really drawn in by the different colors of each of the book boxes, leading to this shot (shot at F/5.6, 1/125 and 1,600 ISO) as well as this following one. I like both, but I think I like the second slightly more as a shot even though you miss some of the distinct layers.

It's a little hot on the top book, but I was glad I was able to keep the left side dark and really focus on the corner of the first box. This one was F/7.1 at 1/25 and 1,600 ISO.

I like this one for its shape and form, but wish I had noticed my focal center was higher on the leaf. I would have preferred it to be on the very tip but didn't notice until I had uploaded the image. It's at F/5.6, 1/25 and 1,600.

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